Sky Witch in the Studio: Day Late GOYA
Sky Witch, "the new face of old metal," is back in the studio working on a new album. The German underground music scene can't seem to get enough of last year's EP release. The new material is bound to only feed the fire.
So what do they sound like? Whadda mean "the new face of old metal... like they play all 80's covers? The play original material with a sound reminisent of 80's "Hair" bands. Regardless of your favorite, Def Leppard..... Guns N Roses...... Motely Crue......, you'll likely hear riffs and solos that satisifies your thirst for
rockin' metal. Slippery wet leads, crunchy rifs, thumping bass lines.... they've got it all in there. But why not just check them out for yourself at the Sky Witch website.
So what about the photos? I spent the day hangin' with the band at the studio. Tried to capture a feel for the recording experience...... put in some suggestions on arrangements.... even laid down a keyboard track on one of the new pieces. I'm sure I added to the challenge of laying down a clean track by popping my strobe off in their faces while they played. Yet no one complained and the musical results are simply awesome!
So here it is, GOYOA Friday + one day. Hope y'all enjoy it.